I absolutely love online crops. Sassy Scrappers had their Red, White, and Blue crop this weekend. I got 12 or 13 challenges done!!! I still cannot believe it. I can't wait for Scrapperie's Ice Cream Social this weekend. Here are some of my favorites -->
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Last crop at Endless Ideas?
Well...I finally get moved into our new home in Muscatine and the LSS here decides to shut down! Way bummer...I live in the sticks and now no LSS...OH WELL!

I did go to her crop last night and got 4 projects done and a 5th one started. Wow...it is amazing what I can accomplish when I plan. I had photos ready and papers pulled. The layouts and cards are more simple than I normally create...but it felt great to finish them without all the artsy agony! LOL!! I wonder if I can find a balance between the artsy and the simple.
Then this morning I was hoping to sleep in...But no...the dogs woke me up at 7:15 am. So...I decided to go to the 8 am WW meeting and get back on the wagon! I've put on 4 pounds since the last time I went over 2 months ago! But...I'm determined to make healthier eating choices and get some exercise in!
Here is what I created last night! These are for challenges at an online crop I'm participating in at Sassy Scrappers. I'm thinking this will just be the warm up for the Ice Cream Social crop at the Scrapperie. I can't wait to see what I finish over the next 2 weekends!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Oh man..it is Thursday already...GEEZ, how time flies when you get busy and behind! LOL!!
We stayed at my Dad's overnight and celebrated Father's Day with him. MaryLou, her sister Pat and Joe, came for a BBQ. Kelly got to play with Marylou's grandson Nicholas. I got dad a digital picture frame. Spent a couple of hours loading a flash drive of pictures of Kelly from birth until now. I set up the frame and let it start scrolling through the photos. I leave letting Kelly and Dad watching the photos to take a shower...2 minutes into the shower, Kellys comes to tell me they deleted all the photos! Sure enough...little miss button pusher, started touching the frame which activated the menu. Dad panicked and started touching buttons and viola...all the photos I loaded are gone! Great...so I took some more photos and loaded the internal storage right from my camer flash card. So...he still has some pictures on it! It still is a pretty cool gift. I'm not sure he thinks so. I'm hoping this will help him convert to digital. Anyway, here is the card I made for him -->It is an envelope card. An 8.5 x11 is cut in half, then triangles are sliced of from the midway point of both sides. The two flaps are decorated and then glued down. The Blue Happy Father's Day card slides out for writing the sentiment.
Anyway...We have been busy since Saturday! We drove over 400 miles, maybe even close to 500 miles this weekend. We went to visit our old neighbors since they were having their summer birthday party for the kids. Kelly played with her friend Megan from 2:30 until 9 pm when we left! She had a blast! The Conroy's always rent a jumpy thingy and Kelly always has a blast on it. Here is a photo -->
Friday, June 13, 2008
Scrapperie's May kit creations
Yeah...I got some creating done today. I finally finished this layout Fame-->
Journalling reads: This is my NEAR brush with FAME! I didn't actually meet Tim Holtz, but I did win this photo, autographed embossing tin, and his distressing inks at Scrappink 9-29-07
Then I got these 2 birthday cards done for a birthday party tomorrow. -->
I still need to get a couple father's day cards done and 3 thank yous. I really need to have a card stash on hand!
Then I got these 2 birthday cards done for a birthday party tomorrow. -->
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Type A personality...
...is a blessing and a curse. I love how I'm always striving to better myself...always trying to improve what I do and how...driven to do more. Always trying to learn from my mistakes. It served me well in Corporate America and helped me evolve into a job I loved. It helped my find the most wonderful organization --> Pathways for Success Living. I totally believe I wouldn't be half the wife, mother, crafter without the tools I gained from attending the seminars and staffing them.
Yet...at times, this trait seems to be such a curse. I always mean well...yet I find myself inadvertently over stepping bounds, saying/suggesting things I probably shouldn't, and damaging relationships. I even think it hinders me as a parent....I totally have to check myself and just let my daughter be. I wish I could find a way to harness the good parts of this personality without allowing the bad aspects to cause damage.
As you can see...I'm feeling a little raw today and at a cross roads. I have damaged yet another relationship and my attempts to repair it have failed. I am unsure what to do next. I wish I could be more like my husband...he'd just brush it off and move on. The problem is I don't really want to move on. What to do, what to do?
Yet...at times, this trait seems to be such a curse. I always mean well...yet I find myself inadvertently over stepping bounds, saying/suggesting things I probably shouldn't, and damaging relationships. I even think it hinders me as a parent....I totally have to check myself and just let my daughter be. I wish I could find a way to harness the good parts of this personality without allowing the bad aspects to cause damage.
As you can see...I'm feeling a little raw today and at a cross roads. I have damaged yet another relationship and my attempts to repair it have failed. I am unsure what to do next. I wish I could be more like my husband...he'd just brush it off and move on. The problem is I don't really want to move on. What to do, what to do?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Get your scrap on!!
Hey...You gotta go and check out this way cool challenge blog...Get your Scrap on!! There is nothing like a good challenge to get your mojo cooking. They have the coolest sketch for a card and or layout with some amazing samples...hurry ....go check it out!!! http://getyourscrapon.wordpress.com
Crop time!

Yep, it is crop time at the Scrapperie again. The Mods are putting together an Ice Cream Social to help kick off the summer!!! There will be tons of challenges, games, RAKS, and prizes!! You don't want to miss it!! Come and have some fun with me!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It is a Miracle!
Yep...it is a miracle!! Not only did I scrap today...yes all day...I finished a layout I'd been working on for a week AND started another and finished it! Yes...I started and finished a layout in one day!! I still can't believe it.
Here is the one that took me a week and well I'm thinking it is a little weak...I changed up the design so many times because I just couldn't get all the things I was doing to work together. -->
Journalling reads: This is me when I was 7. Oh to be young, innocent, and free!
This one is simple but sweet. I don't mind the flowers on this Grandpa page...he would have loved them! -->
Here is the one that took me a week and well I'm thinking it is a little weak...I changed up the design so many times because I just couldn't get all the things I was doing to work together. -->
This one is simple but sweet. I don't mind the flowers on this Grandpa page...he would have loved them! -->
Journalling reads: This photo brings a smile to my face. I'm about 18 mths old. Grandpa Bob was a nature lover, great fisherman, and wonderful Grandfather. Her passed away at 55 yrs. old in 1974. I was 10.
Ok...another note. I'm having the worst time getting good phots of my layouts in the new house. I had a great system in the old house that I just can't seem to duplicate. Either I end up washing out the layout or I have dark patches...ARGH!
And, while I'm talking about miracles...I ate a healthy lunch today! Lunch is my nemesis! I always seem to be out and about around lunch time and well...fast food is soo convenient! Anyway I had tuna salad on a whole wheat pita with lettuce and tomato. Topped off with Ranier cherries!! YUM!Sunday, June 8, 2008
Weekend post
Well...I thought I'd have another layout to post from The Scrapperie's Birdcage kit...but alas...we've been busy. We did a 5k walk yesterday morning. I have to admit I was not looking forward to it and was hoping it would be rained out. But the weather did not cooperate with me and we went. I have to say I had fun! It was hot...but it felt great to be exercising as a family! The walk was along the Mississippi river which was very nice. Plus...once I got my stride going...I got in a fairly decent workout in!! I'm trying to convince my hubby to do the Watermelon Stampede in July.
Then we went up to Iowa City and Coralville to check out another mall and find some more furniture stores. We found a smaller mall with a huge play place in it. Kelly had a blast! She ran around for an hour! But we did not find any furniture stores. Weird...I thought for sure there would be some around the malls...Oh well...we will head up to Davenport today.
Now...I think I'm going to take a LOT of flack from my fellow scrappy friends because I don't have one picture from either of these scrap worthy events!!! LOL!!! I forgot my camera!!! I've been soo busy with moving and everything else that I have gotten out of practice taking and using my camera!! Be easy on me ladies! LOL!!
Then we went up to Iowa City and Coralville to check out another mall and find some more furniture stores. We found a smaller mall with a huge play place in it. Kelly had a blast! She ran around for an hour! But we did not find any furniture stores. Weird...I thought for sure there would be some around the malls...Oh well...we will head up to Davenport today.
Now...I think I'm going to take a LOT of flack from my fellow scrappy friends because I don't have one picture from either of these scrap worthy events!!! LOL!!! I forgot my camera!!! I've been soo busy with moving and everything else that I have gotten out of practice taking and using my camera!! Be easy on me ladies! LOL!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Men and their toys!!!
Ok...ever since my Dad said he'd buy us (meaning my husband) a tractor for our almost 1 acre yard he has been singing "She thinks my Tractor is sexy". He is a big C&W fan and well...I can't blame him. Well, the tractor arrived yesterday. And he was like a little kid with a new toy. I was really proud of him...he actually read the manual to make sure he started it right! LOL!!! Check it out -->
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Scrapperie's May kit -- The Birdcage
Well...I finally found time to use the beautiful and highly inspirational May kit from the Scrapperie. I cannot fully express the amazingness (is that a word) of these kits. They are phenomenal. Sandi just has a knack for finding stuff that works together...incredible. I use things I would never have used. In this latest layout I used feathers...Yep...that is right...feathers. Needless to say, the minute my DT term was over I signed up for a 6 month subscription of her PDR option. (That is the kit that has it all!)
And even though I struggled with this layout...beads, flocking, painting, inking, color core, and sanding...I just love it. My Dad always takes pictures...especially of me and my daughter. These are the only photos I have of her and I. But alas...my dad is not digital and doesn't understand the concept of "framing". I really need to invest in a scanner...probably the next scrappy purchase I make...but in the mean time, I make lemonade out of these wonderful lemons. Check it out -->
I think I have at least another layout and some wall decor coming out of this kit! I can't wait to see what materializes!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Bye-Bye Moxxie
Well...it is over. My DT time at Moxxie is done and here are my final projects. I have to say it was pretty fun creating for a manufacturer! Cool to see the new stuff first and create projects for CHA! AND a monthly goodie box. I was hoping to do more for them now that I'm in Muscatine, but alas...it didn't happen...Oh well...maybe later. Anyway, here is a Thank you card I made from the Tea Time line. Everything is from Moxxie, except the ribbon which is from Joanns (I think). -->
And then, a layout from the DIY line. I soo struggled with this one. I loved the frame I made on the outside and then just couldn't figure out what to do in the middle! LOL!! Anyway...I finally finished it. Again, all materials are from the Moxxie DIY line. -->
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Scraproom is done!
And here it is...although it doesn't look much better than the previous photos! LOL!!! I just have to have everything within reach! And well, when you have too much stuff...it looks pretty cluttered! LOL!! Anyway...I have not really sat and scrapped here yet. I made a card for Moxxie and that is it. Hopefully today will be the day!!!
My scrap area -->
Kelly's scrap area -->
I did not take a picture of the closet!! Although I'm loving the storage there! And...my DH works for HON...you'd think we'd have some better chairs! LOL!!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
June Blog Extravaganza begins!!!!
Well....June 1st came and went and I didn't blog!!! LOL!!! Oh well...life got in the way yesterday and I'm not sad. We had a great weekend!!! Friday I finally finished unpacking! Yep...all the boxes are empty! My husband has to unpack the garage and I didn't unpack pictures because I'm going to paint before hanging anything up.
Then Friday night I went to a crop!!! WOOHOO...It was great to get out and scrap again. Although, I'm becoming an at home scrapper. I didn't really plan what I was going to do and just didn't have what I needed again. Oh well...it was great to get out and meet some new people. I have a couple layouts to finish from that night.
Then my Dad and MaryLou came for a visit. So...we played pinochle, showed them around town, went out to dinner. Plus...my Dad...his generousity is AMAZING...purchased a yard tractor for us. We have almost an acre to cut and our push mower would not do the job anymore! Thank you DAD!!!!! I love you soo much!
We mad them a big breakfast Sunday morning and then they went to visit MaryLou's brother who lives 20 minutes away in West Liberty! Go figure! When we lived in Atlanta, we lived 30 minutes from her other brother! Small world!
Then we had a spontaneous road trip. We decided to go to the mall. It is in Coralville, about 45 minutes from here. WOW...It felt like we were in civilization again! We spent the day shopping and caught a movie...IRONMAN...Loved it...the movie and the day. I think we just needed a family day of just us not doing anything! I do feel a little recharged after that.
Now...back to life! LOL!!!
Then Friday night I went to a crop!!! WOOHOO...It was great to get out and scrap again. Although, I'm becoming an at home scrapper. I didn't really plan what I was going to do and just didn't have what I needed again. Oh well...it was great to get out and meet some new people. I have a couple layouts to finish from that night.
Then my Dad and MaryLou came for a visit. So...we played pinochle, showed them around town, went out to dinner. Plus...my Dad...his generousity is AMAZING...purchased a yard tractor for us. We have almost an acre to cut and our push mower would not do the job anymore! Thank you DAD!!!!! I love you soo much!
We mad them a big breakfast Sunday morning and then they went to visit MaryLou's brother who lives 20 minutes away in West Liberty! Go figure! When we lived in Atlanta, we lived 30 minutes from her other brother! Small world!
Then we had a spontaneous road trip. We decided to go to the mall. It is in Coralville, about 45 minutes from here. WOW...It felt like we were in civilization again! We spent the day shopping and caught a movie...IRONMAN...Loved it...the movie and the day. I think we just needed a family day of just us not doing anything! I do feel a little recharged after that.
Now...back to life! LOL!!!
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Blog Archive
- Online crops ROCK!!!
- Last crop at Endless Ideas?
- Happy Father's Day
- Scrapperie's May kit creations
- Type A personality...
- Get your scrap on!!
- Crop time!
- It is a Miracle!
- Weekend post
- Men and their toys!!!
- The Scrapperie's May kit -- The Birdcage
- Bye-Bye Moxxie
- Scraproom is done!
- June Blog Extravaganza begins!!!!